Loan for Higher Education Students
No matter you want to apply a course for further study or study expenses, UA Loan for Higher Education Students is the perfect choice.
  • Effective rate of interest is 18% per annul
  • 24 hours online application
  • Repayment period up to 48 months
  • Loan amount up to HK$50,000

(e.g. Loan Amount HK$10,000)

Apart from UA Loan for Higher Education Students, you can also apply UA e-Cash Revolving Loan:

  • Enjoy unlimited access to the approved credit
  • No interest charges for unused credit
  • Clear all credit card debts to meet your financial needs

Michelle was an university student of Year 2, she got a part-time job and earned around HK$12,000 a month. She joined an Europe study tour for a month in summer. The tuition fee and other expenses were all paid by credit cards.  She was worried after receiving the credit card bills when she returned to Hong Kong.

One day, she came across UA’s TV Commercial and called the Customer Service Hotline. After detail explanation by the UA staff, she decided to apply for Higher Education Student Loan. As she had part-time earnings, she was successfully approved HK$50,000 to settle the credit card debts. She didn’t have to worry about her credit card debts anymore.

Jasper will be a Year 3 university student this year. Apart from doing summer jobs, he wanted to apply a summer course to further improve his knowledge but he was worried of not having enough money for the course fee.

Jasper read about UA Higher Education Student Loan from online advertising and decided to apply it via internet. UA has approved a loan amount of HK$30,000 and at the same time, a UA e-Cash Revolving Loan of HK$10,000 was offered. It helps on his part-time course fee and get “ready cash” for future use. As long as no drawdown on e-Cash Revolving Loan has been made, no interest will be charged.

Repayment Terms Monthly Repayment Amount (HK$)
6 1,755
12 917
18 638
24 499
36 362
48 294

Michelle Financial Profile

Part-time Income HK$12,000
UA Loan Amount HK$50,000
Repayment Terms 2 years

Jasper Financial Profile

Part-time Income HK$9,000
UA Loan Amount HK$30,000 + HK$10,000 e-Cash Revolving Loan
Repayment Terms 2 years