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Get unlimited rewards to be UA Referrers!

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3 Steps to Redeem
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Your friend applies with your code and link
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Get rewards after your friend's drawdown of the loan
  • UA Referrer Reward: Up to HK$60,000* for successful referral
  • UA Referee Reward: HK$300 cash reward* being successful referred

Get Your Friends To Earn Fabulous Rewards Together

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Reward Information of MGM Program
Instalment Loan Amount
Reward/Each Successful Case*
$1 - $24,999
$25,000 - $39,999
$40,000 - $54,999
$55,000 - $69,999
$70,000 - $84,999
$85,000 - $99,999
$100,000 - $3,700,000
2% of the loan amount# (Maximum Reward $40,000)
*Extra 50% top up rewards (based on the successfully disbursed loan amount at UA of respective referral) will be offered to the Introducer if another referee successfully applies and drawdowns loan at UA within a month (calculated on a period of 31-day basis). The maximum reward is up to HK$60,000.
#Round to the nearest hundred.
Terms & Conditions
2681 8888
© Copyright United Asia Finance Limited 2024
Money Lender's Licence No.: 0918/2024
Enquiry and Complaint Hotline: 2681 8888
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